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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kids enjoying the sunny weather

Well getting out and about to do photos has been a bit difficult. School holidays always provide a challenge for this mum to get some quiet time to go and abandon the regular routine and take off for long periods of time with the camera.  So instead I decided to combine the whole thing with a family picnic down at one of our local beaches.  Great time to practice more portrait shots and get some up to date photos of our tribe =)  Here they are!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The joys of God-children

Recently my partner and I were asked the priviledge of being Godparents to a beautiful little boy.  We are both deeply honoured but as a photographer its a really good chance to practice photographing babies and in the process offering the parents a beautiful collection of photos that they don't have to pay the earth for.  Anyway just wanted to share some of my favourites of our special little guy

Friday, September 3, 2010

Spring is Springing in New Zealand

I have always enjoyed spring, especially from behind the camera.  New Zealand is colourful all year round but I have found that even in spring, NZ can surprise me.  A week ago I had the opportunity to go to Hamilton and walk through the Rose gardens there.  Despite the rain, a friend and myself managed to get out there with our cameras and have some amazing fun for 2 hours.  We could have spent hours there but with our respective partners back waiting for us we cut it short.  Below will be some of the spring looking shots that I took and the rest can be seen at

Studywise I have completed Module 2 and received a 7/10 mark.  While I am not happy with this mark because of my own rushing and misunderstanding of the questions, I learnt not to rush things and to take my time understanding what is required from me.

On the business side of things while still slow it has picked up a bit of pace and I am starting to get a name for myself.  Business cards arrived yesterday and was all very exciting and made it official that it really was happening.  I think I will tweak the business cards a bit more and really want to get a variety of different photographs on the cards.  But for now I have a base to start handing out and making myself a little bit more well known.

Well I have rambled enough today.  I hope those that read this are enjoying the beginning of their next season, whether it be spring or autumn.  Here are my favourite photos of spring so far =)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Practicing portrait shots

Well I don't know about anyone else but I am well and truly over the rain in the Bay of Plenty!  I am suffering from serious lack of photography chances due to not being able to get out because its been so miserable.  Today I decided to bite the bullet and actually use my poor over photographed daughter as my subject and practice some portrait shots.  I am picking that within the next few years she will be well and truly over being photographed.
Anyway heres a few of my favourites as always 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Official Photo shoot!

Last weekend I was honoured to be a part of a young boy's Cancer Fundraising Shave EVENT!

NO, I was not the one doing the shaving or being shaved, however I did get the opportunity to do the photoshoot for it.  What an amazing experience.  Not only to catch up with the GKR Family who I have missed, including Noah himself. But I got to practice doing my first proper photo shoot as well as have fun with the crew involved!  It was the most amazing experience and let me tell you we could learn a few things from Noah and his bravery.  This boy is 14yrs old, battling a rare brain cancer and STILL can smile and "keep the love".  Was so great to see him smiling and having an awesome time with everyone.  

A big special thankyou to Dawn and Susan who let me a part of the whole event.  A huge hugs for Noah, you are inspiration dude! 
The rest of the photos can be seen at PROFFITT PHOTOGRAPHY

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Time is flying

Life has been so busy that I am finding it hard to fit everything in.  Studying to do my Diploma in Photography as well as trying to get Proffitt Photography on its feet. Also being a mum keeps you on your toes.  Have been learning a lot of new skills in photography and also learning how to do Macro shots.  This has proven to be a very delightful adventure for me opening up new worlds of photography that I didn't know existed.  Here are some of my favourites of the latest photos I have taken.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I was almost ready to give up blogging but I find I really enjoy it.  I don't think anyone actually comes in here and reads any of it so I figure that I might as well just carry on and do my thing in the hopes that one day someone will read it lol  I am NOT a great blogger but love sharing my photos

Anyway.. yesterday I went on a two hour walk was great!  Saw some beautiful scenery and took some amazing photos

Here are some of my favs

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hoping it will stay sunny

I have been hoping all weekend to get to the Saltwater Marsh in Tauranga.  Its close to where I live and we can take the children there to walk around it.  I haven't had a chance to do the walk around it so looking forward to it with camera in tow.

We had planned on doing it yesterday but with all the rain we had, it just wasn't on the cards.  Having all 5 of our children home this weekend is a perfect opportunity for a family outing and great photo opps!

Will hopefully have some new photos to post here and on FB later today.  Have put up a link on the blog to the FB site, which can be found on the right side of this blog.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone, its a beautiful Sunday morning here in Tauranga New Zealand and we are planning on making the most of it!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Kindy Photo shoot

Oh it was so much fun playing with my daughter at Kindy. She is so used to me having my camera in her face that its just common occurance hehe. Took a ton of photos but will put up a few here, the rest can be found on the FB site.

Managed to get quite a few photos done today, all up to date on the site now so thats good. Not sure what photo opportunities tomorrow will bring but who knows. We have 5 kids in the house and so anything could happen right? Hoping that putting all of the photos out there I might manage to get some business. That would be great as I have to come up with $135nz min to get the small lens repaired *gulp*

Anyway some of my favourites from today

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Offically on Facebook

We are up and running on Facebook now.  Have been slowly adding photos and seriously need to go and get some more.  My 18-55mm lens however has been over used so down to my bigger lens till I can get that sent away to be fixed. Today I am off to use my favourite model, my darling 3 year old daughter and see if I can capture some great moments of her at Kindy. Also going to check out a few places around my home for places to take people for photo shoots!

You can find us on Facebook .....
Proffitt Photography

Also you can find alot of my photos as greeting cards through here....

Greeting Card Site

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heres some of my latest work its been ages since I had a chance to blog my photography due to life getting in the way but heres some of my favourites over the last 6 months ... I have many more lol Of course the main subject of these photos are my now 3 year old daughter