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Friday, April 30, 2010

Kindy Photo shoot

Oh it was so much fun playing with my daughter at Kindy. She is so used to me having my camera in her face that its just common occurance hehe. Took a ton of photos but will put up a few here, the rest can be found on the FB site.

Managed to get quite a few photos done today, all up to date on the site now so thats good. Not sure what photo opportunities tomorrow will bring but who knows. We have 5 kids in the house and so anything could happen right? Hoping that putting all of the photos out there I might manage to get some business. That would be great as I have to come up with $135nz min to get the small lens repaired *gulp*

Anyway some of my favourites from today

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Offically on Facebook

We are up and running on Facebook now.  Have been slowly adding photos and seriously need to go and get some more.  My 18-55mm lens however has been over used so down to my bigger lens till I can get that sent away to be fixed. Today I am off to use my favourite model, my darling 3 year old daughter and see if I can capture some great moments of her at Kindy. Also going to check out a few places around my home for places to take people for photo shoots!

You can find us on Facebook .....
Proffitt Photography

Also you can find alot of my photos as greeting cards through here....

Greeting Card Site

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heres some of my latest work its been ages since I had a chance to blog my photography due to life getting in the way but heres some of my favourites over the last 6 months ... I have many more lol Of course the main subject of these photos are my now 3 year old daughter