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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Post Editing

I don't normally do anything post editing wise with my photographs.  I may tweak the colour slightly or sharpen the image, sometimes even crop it if it needs to but very rarely do I actually do anything major with them.  But yesterday I decided to have a go and I am glad I did.





Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Photos that do not make the grade...

still need to be shown somewhere!  I find it difficult with some of the photographs I take choosing one for my 365 project.. which is on another blog... With work being so quiet at the moment, its still holiday season here I am finding the joy in taking daily photographs and turning them into something special... what might just be a casual snap for me turns out to be a lovely shot for the mum visiting with her babies or the friend and her dog who visit.. what ever the reason some just need to be shown here....

I love baby feet =)

My failed experiment but still great shot

Another baby feet shot


Monday, January 3, 2011

My project for the year

I am doing the 365 project.  For many reasons but mainly to improve my photography and develop my flair and skill more.  You can find my efforts here...

However it can be really tough choosing what photographs I want to put up.. I get so many great shots (well I think so) that it can be hard to choose.  Here are some of my favourites from the last few days.

Sir Gallahad lying in the sun

My daughter's Simpson army

Our old boy - Ollie he's 15

My stunning daughter who normally makes the cut

Hannah - the queen cat

Sand on the beach

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Every little girl should be a princess for the day

My little girl turned 4 yesterday and we got the most beautiful impromptu photo shoot with her.  I was amazed at how well they came out myself.  Every little girl should have the chance to be a princess for a day complete with "glass" slippers

Looking in the distance for her "Prince Charming"


Not quite here yet

Have a few years to wait

That's okay I can wait with my slippers

Just make sure I look pretty

Time is just a thought away

At least I have my mum